Tim Held
Host of Podular Modcast
Tim Held is a Pacific Northwest Native. Tim is the founder of Self Center Records and The Podular Modcast. When not playing with his modular synthesizer, he can be found roaming the wilds of the PNW with wife Hannah.
Tim Held has hosted 297 Episodes.
Episode 99: Jean-Luc Deladriere of Polaxis
March 30th, 2020 | 1 hr 6 mins
electronic music, graig markel, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, polaxis, recovery effects, seattle, talko, tim held
Let's chat with Jean-Luc from Polaxis!
https://shop.polaxis.be/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 98: Brett Naucke
March 23rd, 2020 | 1 hr 19 mins
brett naucke, electronic music, make noise, make noise records, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, recovery effects, seattle, tim held
Let's talk about the soft apocalypse with Brett Naucke!
https://www.bnaucke.com/Pod Mod Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/podularmodcast
Podular Meditation: https://selfcenter.bandcamp.com/album/podular-meditation
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Alright Devices: https://www.alrightdevices.com/
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 97: Joran van Gremberghe of Joranalogue
March 16th, 2020 | 1 hr 8 mins
electronic music, graig markel, joranalogue, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, recovery effects, seattle, tim held
This week we get to know Joran from Joranalogue!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/ -
Episode 96: Graig Markel of Recovery Effects
March 9th, 2020 | 1 hr 47 mins
electronic music, graig markel, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, recovery effects, seattle, tim held
90 episodes ago we talked with Graig from Recovery Effects, and now he is back to catch us up on what's been going on!
Head to Recovery's website and use promo-code PODMOD20 at checkout to get 20% off the new Bad Comrade!!!WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 95: Worng Electronic's Morgan McWaters
March 2nd, 2020 | 1 hr 21 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, morgan mcwaters, podular modcast, seattle, tim held, worng, worng electronics
This week we get to know Morgan from Worng Electronics!
Worng: https://www.worngelectronics.com/
New Issue of WAVEFORM out now!: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 94: Julia Bondar from Endorphin.es
February 24th, 2020 | 1 hr 20 mins
electronic music, endorphin.es, julia bondar, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we chat with Endorphin.es's Julia Bondar!
Julia's New EP:https://juliabondar.bandcamp.com/album/i-want-forbidden
Endorphin.es: https://endorphin.es/SPONSORS
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
AI Synthesis: https://aisynthesis.com/ -
Episode 93: Mitch Lantz from Empress Effects
February 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 45 mins
electronic music, empress effects, euroburo, mitch lanz, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held, zoia
Let's talk about ZOIA (and maybe some Limp Bizkit) with Mitch from Empress!
Empress Effects: https://empresseffects.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 92: Abe from AI Synthesis Returnz!
February 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 18 mins
ai synthesis, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Let's catch up with Abe from AI!
AI Synthesis: https://aisynthesis.com/
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 91: Kevin Rix
February 3rd, 2020 | 1 hr 41 mins
electronic music, kevin rix, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we get to know major motion picture trailer composer and modular enthusiast Kevin Rix!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 90: Nigel Mullaney
January 27th, 2020 | 1 hr 44 mins
dn records, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, nigel mullaney, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we chat with Nigel Mullaney about his new album "31 Days" and MUCH more.
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 89: Bana Haffar
January 20th, 2020 | 1 hr 8 mins
bana haffar, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we have the legendary Bana Haffar on the show!
Bana Haffar: https://banahaffar.bandcamp.com/track/castles-in-beirut
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 88: Tom Whitwell of Music Thing Modular
January 13th, 2020 | 1 hr 38 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, music thing modular, podular modcast, seattle, thonk, tim held, tom whitwell, turing machine
This week we get to know Tom Whitwell, creator of one of the most legendary modules, the Turing Machine,
Music Thing Modular: https://musicthing.co.uk/
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 87: WMD's Alex Anderson
January 6th, 2020 | 1 hr 35 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held, wmd devices
This week we FINALLY chat with Alex from WMD. I have wanted to for a while and we finally made it happen!
WMD: https://wmdevices.com/
Nasty Nachos: https://nastynachos.bandcamp.com/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Acid Rain Technology: http://acidraintechnology.com/
After Later Audio: http://afterlateraudio.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 86: Holiday Patch Submissions
December 23rd, 2019 | 1 hr 3 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Let's take a listen to some of YOUR xmas tunes! Thanks to everyone who submitted tracks! Below are links:
Simeon Peebler - instagram.com/infinitesynth
Peppermill Rondo: https://hausumountain.bandcamp.com/album/its-christmas-time
Logan Jacob:https://soundcloud.com/loganjacob
https://loganjacob.bandcamp.com/Korey Luna: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/north-beats/id1454730678
Dark Sparkler: https://darksparkler.bandcamp.com/
Kevin Rix: https://robotrixie.bandcamp.com/
Samuel Chittenden: https://www.instagram.com/tuesday.adventure/
Skoddie: https://skoddie.bandcamp.com/
Episode 85: Greg Fox
December 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 39 mins
electronic music, ex eye, greg fox, liturgy, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, nna tapes, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Greg Fox is a multi-instrumentalist, interdisciplinary artist, and teacher born and based in New York City. A versatile and prolific creative, Fox studied percussion with Guy Licata, Thurman Barker, Marvin “Bugalu” Smith, has a B.A. in Integrated Arts from Bard College, and has toured, recorded and released numerous records with Liturgy, Guardian Alien, ZS, Ex Eye, Skeletons, Teeth Mountain, Dan Deacon, Colin Stetson, Ben Frost, and many more.
Dhamma: https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/indexWAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Emperess Effects: https://empresseffects.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Acid Rain Technology: http://acidraintechnology.com/
AI Synthesis: http://aisynthesis.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 84: Ian Boddy
December 9th, 2019 | 1 hr 25 mins
din, electronic music, ian boddy, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Let's get to know Ian Boddy, Composer, sound designer, DiN ambient music label owner & analogue synth aficionado!
https://din.org.uk/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Empress Effects:https://empresseffects.com/
Acid Rain Technology: http://acidraintechnology.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/