Tim Held
Host of Podular Modcast
Tim Held is a Pacific Northwest Native. Tim is the founder of Self Center Records and The Podular Modcast. When not playing with his modular synthesizer, he can be found roaming the wilds of the PNW with wife Hannah.
Tim Held has hosted 297 Episodes.
Episode 114: After Later Audio
July 27th, 2020 | 1 hr 28 mins
I am very excited to have Lenny and Clarissa Helton from After Later Audio on the show this week!
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/Check these links out:
http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/Void Modular: https://www.etsy.com/shop/VOIDModular
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 113: Jonathan Snipes of clipping.
July 20th, 2020 | 2 hrs 13 mins
clipping, electronic music, jonathan snipes, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week I am very excited to have Jonathan Snipes of clipping. on the show!
Check these links out:
http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/Void Modular: https://www.etsy.com/shop/VOIDModular
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 112: BLAKMOTH
July 13th, 2020 | 1 hr 18 mins
blakmoth, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we get to know Jack Smith, AKA BLAKMOTH. We discuss his prolific career as well as his writing/recording methods
https://blakmoth.bandcamp.com/Check these links out:
http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/Void Modular: https://www.etsy.com/shop/VOIDModular
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 111: Ali the Architect
July 6th, 2020 | 1 hr 14 mins
ali the architect, electronic music, modbap, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we get to know Ali the Architect!
https://alithearc.com/Check these links out:
http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/Void Modular: https://www.etsy.com/shop/VOIDModular
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 110: Lisa Bella Donna THREE
June 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 51 mins
electronic music, lisa bella donna, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Let's welcome fan favorite, Lisa Bella Donna back for the THIRD time!
https://lisabelladonna.bandcamp.com/Check these links out:
http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 109: Noise Engineering RETURNS
June 15th, 2020 | 1 hr 30 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, noise engineering, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Noise Engineering returns to Pod Mod!
noiseengineering.usCheck these links out:
http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 108: Trovarsi (AKA Shanda Nunez)
June 1st, 2020 | 1 hr 31 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, shanda nunez, socal synth society, tim held, trovarsi
This week we chat with Shanda Nunez about her involvement wit So Cal Synth Society and her work with Perfect Circuit.
https://www.trovarsiofficial.com/4ms: https://4mscompany.com/enosc.php
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Alright Devices: https://www.alrightdevices.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 107: Madeleine Cocolas
May 25th, 2020 | 1 hr 40 mins
electronic music, madeleine cocolas, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week is a special one for me. We have my pal Madeleine Cocolas on the show!
Madeleine's New Album: https://room40.bandcamp.com/album/ithaca4ms: https://4mscompany.com/enosc.php
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/SPONSORS
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: https://www.alrightdevices.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 106: Michael Stein (Stranger Things Composer and SURVIVE)
May 18th, 2020 | 1 hr 12 mins
electronic music, michael stein, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, stranger things, survive, tim held
This week we chat with Michael Stein, composer for Stranger Things and member of SURVIVE
https://survive.bandcamp.com/Bonkers Telethon: http://twitch.tv/bonkersseattle
Stephanie's Synth: http://timheld.bandcamp.com/album/stephanies-synth
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/SPONSORS
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 105: Tony Rolando of MAKE NOISE
May 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 55 mins
electronic music, make noise, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held, tony rolando
This week we have Tony Rolando from Make Noise on the show to talk show flyers, their new 0-Control, and we even talk a little trash!
http://makenoisemusic.com/synthesizers/ohctrlDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
Open Source Stems: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/awwkvsqauoculcn/AADWyF3u1Ty_nSTXwtop_gxEa?dl=0WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 104: This is Not Rocket Science (TINRS)
May 4th, 2020 | 1 hr 28 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, this is not rocket science, tim held
This week we have Stijn and Priscilla from This is Not Rocket Science on the show!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 103: R Beny Returnz!
April 27th, 2020 | 1 hr 16 mins
austin cairns, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, r beny, seattle, tim held
Austin Cairns AKA R beny, returns to Pod Mod to talk about his new album, synths, and Zelda.
https://rbeny.bandcamp.com/album/natural-fictionMadeleine Cocolas: https://room40.bandcamp.com/album/ithaca
Nasty Nachos: https://nastynachos.bandcamp.com/album/the-getaway-ep-3
Healing Sounds II Compilation: https://pitp.bandcamp.com/album/healing-sounds-ii-a-compilation-for-those-in-needWAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Non-Mod-Pod (Tim and Hannah COVID update)
April 27th, 2020 | 38 mins 22 secs
This is a side-step in format. I wasn't able to get an episode ready for Monday morning release, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. Here is a convo between my wife, Hannah and I while we take a stress-relief-road trip.
Episode 102: Andrew Huang
April 20th, 2020 | 1 hr 20 mins
andrew huang, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we chat with Andrew Huang about his journey to modular, his new album and much more!
http://andrewhuang.com/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 101: Kyle Dixon of Stranger Things and S U R V I V E
April 13th, 2020 | 1 hr 39 mins
electronic music, kyle dixon, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, stranger things, survive, tim held
This week we talk with Kyle Dixon, composer for the Netflix Series Stranger Things and member of band S U R V I V E!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/ -
Episode 100!
April 6th, 2020 | 2 hrs 4 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Episode 100! Cindy Reichel of Patchwerks and Ian Price return!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Eurodesk-Z: eurodesk-z.com
Joranalogue: https://joranalogue.com/
Alright Devices: arightdevices.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Empress Effects: empresseffects.com
Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/