Tim Held
Host of Podular Modcast
Tim Held is a Pacific Northwest Native. Tim is the founder of Self Center Records and The Podular Modcast. When not playing with his modular synthesizer, he can be found roaming the wilds of the PNW with wife Hannah.
Tim Held has hosted 295 Episodes.
Episode 81: Juliana Furioso AKA JMoneyFur
November 18th, 2019 | 1 hr 26 mins
electronic music, j money fur, jmoneyfur, juliana furioso, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, portland, seattle, tim held
This week we get to know Juliana Furioso AKA JMoneyFur
http://www.jmoneyfur.com/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/
Modbang: https://www.modbang.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
BONUS: Listener Music Submissions
November 15th, 2019 | 56 mins 34 secs
Episode 80: Acid Rain Technology
November 11th, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
acid rain technology, chainsaw vco, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Let's get to know Michael and Ryan from Seattle's Acid Rain Technology!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 79: Pittsburgh Modular II (The Return of Richard)
November 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 30 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, pittsburgh modular, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Richard Nicol of Pittsburgh Modular returns to chat about the Voltage Research Laboratory!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
AI Synthesis: http://aisynthesis.com
Acid Rain Technology: http://acidraintechnology.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Halloween Spooktacular TWO
October 31st, 2019 | 25 mins 34 secs
I read From Beyond by HP Lovecraft and then scored it. Enjoy!
Episode 78: Daedelus Returns!
October 28th, 2019 | 1 hr 26 mins
alfred darlington, daedelus, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Alfred returns to talk about his new album and his great migration from LA to Boston!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Modbang Gow in the dark Cables: https://www.modbang.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 77: LIVE FROM VELOCITY w/ Bana Haffar, Basek, Ann Annie and Divkid!
October 21st, 2019 | 1 hr 11 mins
ann annie, bana haffar, basek, divkid, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
VELOCITY LIVE POD MOD PANEL featuring Bana Haffar, Basek, Ann Annie and Divkid!!!!
Episode 76: Cory Banks of B Boy Tech and Beat PPL
October 14th, 2019 | 1 hr 30 mins
b boy tech report, beat ppl, cory banks, electronic music, modbap, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Today we have Cory from B Boy Tech Report, Beat PPL and the father of ModBap!
B Boy Tech Report: http://www.bboytechreport.com/about-bboy-tech-report/
Beat PPL: https://beatppl.com/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 75: Dan Green of 4ms
October 7th, 2019 | 1 hr 25 mins
4ms, dan green, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, portland, seattle, tim held
Today we have Dan Green from 4ms!!!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
AI Synthesis: http://aisynthesis.com
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 74: Source of Uncertainty AND Monster Planet
September 30th, 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
buchla, electronic music, improv, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, monster planet, podular modcast, seattle, source of uncertainty, tim held
Today we mess around with the Red Panel modules from Buchla with Kyle and Robert from the Source of Uncertainty podcast!
https://sourceofuncertainty.podbean.com/We also get to hang with the co-founders of the legendary improvisational collective Monster Planet!
https://monsterplanet.tv/ -
Episode 73: Hank Yates AKA Mousy Magazine
September 23rd, 2019 | 1 hr 47 mins
electronic music, hank yates, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, mousy magazine, new orleans, nola, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we get real. We talk about death and how the creative process can help the grieving process. Welcome back NOLA's Hank Yates.
Mousy Magazine: https://mousymagazine.bandcamp.com/
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Chase Bliss Audio: https://chaseblissaudio.com
AI Synthesis: https://aisynthesis.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
BONUS: Pledge Drive Me Off a Cliff w/ Diane Dunningkrueger
September 19th, 2019 | 43 mins 36 secs
Can we get 100 Patrons by October?
https://www.patreon.com/podularmodcast -
Episode 72: Cynthia Cherish Malaran AKA DJ Cherish The Luv
September 16th, 2019 | 1 hr 28 mins
cynthis cherish malaran, dj cherish the luv, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, survivor, tim held
Today we get the honor of getting to know Cynthia Cherish Malaran AKA DJ Cherish The Luv. Her story is absolutely astounding. Trust me.
Her bio would take up about 3 or 4 pages so I strongly advise you check her out on Instagram and online at http://djcherishtheluv.com/WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 71: San Diego MOTS (June Water)
September 6th, 2019 | 1 hr 20 mins
electronic music, june water, modular modcast, modular on the spot, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, san diego, seattle, tim held
June Water is the San Diego-based musical partnership of two life-long musicians with a taste for genre-bending and alternative soundscapes. Johno Wells is a filmmaker, graphic and sound-designer, and self-produced electronic artist who has independently released several diverse, immersive electronic albums. Matthew Stewart is a recording artist on Spotted Peccary Records who delves frequently into singer/songwriter territory and has played numerous instruments in a broad spectrum of local San Diego bands. The duo first met in 1999, when Matthew was looking for a graphic designer to help with his first independent release. Johno and Matthew's friendship grew over their shared affinity for synth textures and bands. But it was Johno’s chance encounter with Eurorack synthesis that first lit the fire of collaboration. It became a mutual journey: the marriage of Johno’s experimental flair and Matthew’s more traditional songwriting experiences made for a sound that neither of them could find alone. They discovered a community of Eurorack artists in southern California that provided both inspiration and great encouragement, and through that support and dialog, ultimately found themselves as the new show-runners of the San Diego Modular On The Spot (MOTS) shows in San Diego. They are both excited to be part of the modular synth fellowship, and are currently working on their first release.
June Water instagram: @junewaterofficial
June Water YouTube:
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC3BYxvfsaZHL2s551UFj7dgJune Water soundcloud:
https://m.soundcloud.com/user-367289862Modular on the spot instagram: @modularonthespot.sd
Modular on the Spot San Diego YouTube:
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC1vcC1utmbrC96qmh1N67sA/videosWAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 70: Black Sabbatical
September 3rd, 2019 | 40 mins 48 secs
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Solo Episode with Tim!
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/SPONSORS
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Schlappi Engineering: https://schlappiengineering.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 69: Lusio/Modular Seattle Quad Recap
August 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 20 mins
electronic music, lusio, modular modcast, modular seattle, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, quad performance, seattle, tim held
This week we talk with Bradley Millington (Modular Seattle), Chris Barth (Allotrope IJK) and Philip Kobernik (Hey Marseilles) about their Quad Modular/Visual Performance at Seattle's annual Lusio festival!
Bradley's Info:
VelocitySeattle.comChris's info:
Kremfest 2019 https://kremwerk.strangertickets.com/events/97026011/kremfest-2019 (we will be performing with tremulant on Saturday)
Tokyo Festival of Modular https://www.facebook.com/TokyoModularFestival/Philip's Info:
www.Instagram.com/philipgramsWAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Noise Engineering: https://noiseengineering.us
Expert Sleepers:https://expert-sleepers.co.uk
Obsidian Sound: http://obsidiansound.net/
Pittsburgh Modular: https://pittsburghmodular.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Crema Caffe: https://cremacaffe.shop/products/spikexl
Alright Devices: https://www.alrightdevices.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/