Podular Modcast
Staring into the depths of modular synthesis in the hopes that it stares back
We found 10 episodes of Podular Modcast with the tag “modular synth”.
Episode 138: New York Modular Society
January 18th, 2021 | 1 hr 22 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, new york modular synth society, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we get acquainted with NYMS
https://nyms.love/ -
Episode 137: Patch Breakdown w/ Gerald Fjord
January 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 32 mins
electronic music, gerald fjord, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Gerald Fjord returns to walk us through one of his patches!!!
Episode 136: 2020 Module Round-up With Ian Price
December 29th, 2020 | 1 hr 24 mins
electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
What a Year
December 18th, 2020 | 59 mins 42 secs
christmas, electronic music, krampus, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, red stripe down, seattle, tim held, xmas
This week Krampus himself hosts an hour of YOUR holiday patch submissions!
Episode 134: Lightbath
December 14th, 2020 | 2 hrs 27 secs
bryan noll, electronic music, lightbath, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, patch cv film, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we chat with Bryan Noll AKA Lightbath and we go DEEP! It is a fantastic episode that I think you will love.
Find all things Lightbath here: https://lightbath.com/ -
Episode 133: PATCH! The Card Game with James Cigler
December 7th, 2020 | 1 hr 44 mins
electronic music, james ciglar, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, patch the card game, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week James and I discuss AND play Patch The Card Game!
Find it here: https://www.patchtcg.com/Tim's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm-B7BiIOLQBPnW5JvG274w?view_as=subscriber
New Systems Instruments: https://nsinstruments.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
4ms: https://4mscompany.com/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 132: Tangible Waves
November 30th, 2020 | 1 hr 18 mins
ae modular, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tangible waves, tim held
This week we chat with Robert and Carsten (AKA the 5th Volt) from Tangible Waves!
The 5th Volt http://the5thvolt.com/Aether Waves Album: https://aetherwaves.bandcamp.com/album/ther-waves-vol-2
Tim's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm-B7BiIOLQBPnW5JvG274w?view_as=subscriber
New Systems Instruments: https://nsinstruments.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
4ms: https://4mscompany.com/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 131: Olafur Bogason of Genki Instruments
November 23rd, 2020 | 1 hr 8 mins
electronic music, genki instruments, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, olafur bogason, podular modcast, seattle, tim held, wave ring
This week we have Olafur from Genki Instruments on to talk about the Wave Ring!
https://genkiinstruments.com/Tim's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm-B7BiIOLQBPnW5JvG274w?view_as=subscriber
New Systems Instruments: https://nsinstruments.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
4ms: https://4mscompany.com/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 130: Aqeel Aadam
November 16th, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
aqeel aadam, electronic music, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, mystery circles, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
This week we get to know Aqeel Aadam! We discuss his musical history and his amazing album on Mystery Circles
Hollow Moon: https://aqeelaadam.bandcamp.com/album/hollow-moonTim's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm-B7BiIOLQBPnW5JvG274w?view_as=subscriber
New Systems Instruments: https://nsinstruments.com/
After Later Audio:http://afterlateraudio.com/
4ms: https://4mscompany.com/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/T7haBAK
WAVEFORM: https://www.waveformmagazine.com/
Needham Woodworks: https://needhamwoodworks.com/
Recovery Effects: https://recoveryeffects.com/
Patchwerks: https://patchwerks.com/Support One Million Tampons: https://www.onemilliontampons.com/
Episode 129: Marcus Fischer
November 9th, 2020 | 1 hr 29 mins
electronic music, marcus fischer, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held
Very excited to have Marcus Fischer on the show this week! Whether you are or you aren't familiar with his work you are in for a real treat! Check out Marcus's work at the following links:
Music: https://marcus-fischer.bandcamp.com/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ7wg-TRGObd740qLQV4xnA
Lines Message Board: https://llllllll.coTuna Fat Podcast: https://tunafat.podbean.com/e/tim-held-from-podular-modcast/
Freq Boutique: https://www.youtube.com/wmdevices