Podular Modcast
Staring into the depths of modular synthesis in the hopes that it stares back
We found 2 episodes of Podular Modcast with the tag “lafrae sci”.
Episode 291: Frae Frae Returns!
January 20th, 2025 | 1 hr 3 mins
&&, 4ms, 4ms company, ableton, ampersandampersand, berklee, bored brain music, daedelus, daedelus failure, earthquaker devices, eurorack, eurorack modular, failure, frae frae, lafrae sci, lousy falcon, max for live, max msp, modular synth, modular synthesizer, moffenzeef, moffenzeef modular, novation, novation circuit tracks, novation summit, patchwerks, rainbow circuit, rainbow circuit failure, ross fish, the wave transform, willie mae, willie mae rock camp for girls, worng electronics
This week Frae Frae returns to chat about her work with the Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls and more!
https://www.williemaerockcamp.org/KEANU IS HERE:
https://afterlateraudio.com/products/keanu -
Episode 168: Frae Frae Daughter of Drexciya
August 31st, 2021 | 1 hr 20 mins
drexia, electronic music, frae frae daughter of drexia, lafrae sci, modular modcast, modular synth, modular synthesis, modular synthesizer, podular modcast, seattle, tim held, wollie mae rock camp
This week we talk to Lafrae Sci, executive director of the Willie Mae Rock Camp!